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Search Results for: wihtamakew

Pages (1 of 1):[1]
Displayed 1 - 7 of 7
  • wihtamakew ᐃᐧᐦᑕᒪᑫᐤ VTA S/he tells people. (AE)
  • wihtamakew ᐃᐧᐦᑕᒪᑫᐤ VP He tells others. (MD)
  • wihtamâkew pl. wihtamâkewak ᐃᐧᐦᑕᒫᑫᐤ VTA S/he tells others. (AE)
  • wihtamâkew ᐃᐧᐦᑕᒫᑫᐤ VAI s/he tells others (EC)
  • wîhtamâkêw ᐄᐧᐦᑕᒫᑫᐤ VAI s/he makes predications; s/he names (it) to people (CW)
  • wihtamakewin ᐃᐧᐦᑕᒪᑫᐃᐧᐣ NI declare publically (EC)
  • owîhtamakew pl. owîhtamakewak ᐅᐄᐧᐦᑕᒪᑫᐤ NA An adviser or advisor; one who advises. (AE)
Pages (1 of 1): [1]
Online Cree Dictionary partially funded by the Government of Canada through the Department of Canadian Heritage