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Search Results for: maci
Displayed 180 - 210 of 255
- iskwew ka maci wesakeyihtahk ᐃᐢᑫᐧᐤ ᑲ ᒪᒋ ᐁᐧᓴᑫᔨᐦᑕᕁ VTI labored or laboured (EC)
- ka maci ohpikihkwaw nepihkâna ᑲ ᒪᒋ ᐅᐦᐱᑭᐦᑲᐧᐤ ᓀᐱᐦᑳᓇ NI blossom (EC)
- awîyak kakikiskakot maci kîkway ᐊᐄᐧᔭᐠ ᑲᑭᑭᐢᑲᑯᐟ ᒪᒋ ᑮᑲᐧᕀ VAI under influence of evil forces (EC)
- simaciw pl. simaciwak ᓯᒪᒋᐤ VAI S/he rears up, i.e.: a horse about to mate; s/he stands on her/his hind legs. (AE)
- simaci- ᓯᒪᒋ IPV upright; straightened (CW)
- simaciw ᓯᒪᒋᐤ VAI straight up, straighten, on her/his haunches (EC)
- simaciw ᓯᒪᒋᐤ VAI s/he rears up or s/he stands on her/his hind legs, i.e.: a horse about to mate (EC)
- simaciw ᓯᒪᒋᐤ VAI s/he straightens up (EC)
- simacîw ᓯᒪᒌᐤ VAI s/he straightens up, it stands upright; it rears up (e.g. horse) (CW)
- samacîw ᓴᒪᒌᐤ VAI it rears up (e.g. horse) (CW)
- cimacikew ᒋᒪᒋᑫᐤ VTI S/he plants things in the ground. (AE)
- omacihtiw ᐅᒪᒋᐦᑎᐤ NA sinner (CW)
- nanamaciw ᓇᓇᒪᒋᐤ VAI s/he shivers with cold, s/he is shivering (CW)
- pimacihew ᐱᒪᒋᐦᐁᐤ VTA S/he saved her/him; s/he supports her/him. (AE)
- pimacihew ᐱᒪᒋᐦᐁᐤ VTA s/he saved her/him or s/he supports her/him (EC)
- cimacikêw ᒋᒪᒋᑫᐤ VAI s/he stooks, s/he ties sheaves into stooks (CW)
- âmaciwêw ᐋᒪᒋᐁᐧᐤ VAI s/he climbs up, s/he walks up, s/he goes uphill or upstairs (CW)
- pimacitâw ᐱᒪᒋᑖᐤ VTI S/he saved it. (AE)
- otâmaciwew pl. otâmaciwewak ᐅᑖᒪᒋᐁᐧᐤ NA A climber. (AE)
- simacipayiw ᓯᒪᒋᐸᔨᐤ VII it turns upwards, it straightens up (CW)
- pimacihiwew ᐱᒪᒋᐦᐃᐁᐧᐤ VTA S/he saves someone. (AE)
- pimacicikew ᐱᒪᒋᒋᑫᐤ VTI S/he saves things. (AE)
- otâmaciwew ᐅᑖᒪᒋᐁᐧᐤ NA climber (EC)
- cimacikewin ᒋᒪᒋᑫᐃᐧᐣ NI erection (EC)
- amaciwecâw ᐊᒪᒋᐁᐧᒑᐤ VII incline (EC)
- mayimacihow ᒪᔨᒪᒋᐦᐅᐤ VAI morbid (EC)
- cimacikewin ᒋᒪᒋᑫᐃᐧᐣ NI stacking grain bundles (EC)
- âmaciwetahew ᐋᒪᒋᐁᐧᑕᐦᐁᐤ VTA S/he takes her/him up a ladder or stairs. (AE)
- âmaciwetataw ᐋᒪᒋᐁᐧᑕᑕᐤ VTI S/he takes it up. (AE)
- omacipayihtaw ᐅᒪᒋᐸᔨᐦᑕᐤ NA actuate (EC)