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Search Results for: kito
Displayed 60 - 90 of 152
- kitowê-âpiskahikan ᑭᑐᐁᐧ ᐋᐱᐢᑲᐦᐃᑲᐣ NI sounding metal (CW)
- kitohcikewin kosihtâhk ᑭᑐᐦᒋᑫᐃᐧᐣ ᑯᓯᐦᑖᕁ VAI record (EC)
- kitohcikan ayamihekamkohk ᑭᑐᐦᒋᑲᐣ ᐊᔭᒥᐦᐁᑲᒼᑯᕁ NI organ A church instrument (EC)
- kitohcikan kâ-natohtamihk ᑭᑐᐦᒋᑲᐣ ᑳ ᓇᑐᐦᑕᒥᕁ INM radio (CW)
- kwayask kitoten ᑲᐧᔭᐢᐠ ᑭᑐᑌᐣ VP You did it right. (MD)
- nihta kitohchikew ᓂᐦᑕ ᑭᑐᐦᒋᑫᐤ VP He plays music well. (MD)
- piyesiwok kitowak ᐱᔦᓯᐅᐧᐠ ᑭᑐᐊᐧᐠ NA it thunders, i.e.: the thunderbird’s call (EC)
- mayokwatay ka kitot ᒪᔪᑲᐧᑕᕀ ᑲ ᑭᑐᐟ VAI croak (EC)
- pahkahahkwan ka kitot ᐸᐦᑲᐦᐊᐦᑲᐧᐣ ᑲ ᑭᑐᐟ NI cackle (EC)
- pihesiwak ka kitotwaw ᐱᐦᐁᓯᐊᐧᐠ ᑲ ᑭᑐᑕᐧᐤ NA thunder (EC)
- pihesowak ka kitotwaw ᐱᐦᐁᓱᐊᐧᐠ ᑲ ᑭᑐᑕᐧᐤ VAI thundering (EC)
- nânitâw kitohtahisohk ᓈᓂᑖᐤ ᑭᑐᐦᑕᐦᐃᓱᕁ VTI betake (EC)
- ka paskastehamihk kitohcikan ᑲ ᐸᐢᑲᐢᑌᐦᐊᒥᕁ ᑭᑐᐦᒋᑲᐣ VTI overtone (EC)
- ka miweyihtamihk kitohcekewin ᑲ ᒥᐁᐧᔨᐦᑕᒥᕁ ᑭᑐᐦᒉᑫᐃᐧᐣ NI musical It sounds like music (EC)
- ka pakamapekahamihk kitohcikan ᑲ ᐸᑲᒪᐯᑲᐦᐊᒥᕁ ᑭᑐᐦᒋᑲᐣ VTI strum (EC)
- ka kecikonamihk kitohcikan yapesa ᑲ ᑫᒋᑯᓇᒥᕁ ᑭᑐᐦᒋᑲᐣ ᔭᐯᓴ VTI unsteady (EC)
- kâkito ᑳᑭᑐ IPC be quiet! (CW)
- kahkitow ᑲᐦᑭᑐᐤ V He call repeatedly. As an animal. (MD)
- yîkitow ᔩᑭᑐᐤ VAI s/he has diarrhea (CW)
- wâskitoy pl. wâskitoya ᐋᐧᐢᑭᑐᕀ NI The buttocks. (AE)
- misikitow ᒥᓯᑭᑐᐤ VP He bellows long and loud (*Note, legendary Cree word not usually used). (MD)
- wâskitoy ᐋᐧᐢᑭᑐᕀ NI flank (CW)
- pwêkitow ᐯᐧᑭᑐᐤ VAI s/he farts (CW)
- isi-kitow ᐃᓯ ᑭᑐᐤ VAI s/he cries in such a way, s/he calls in such a way (as an animal's call) (CW)
- matwekitow ᒪᑌᐧᑭᑐᐤ VP He is heard calling. E.g. As a bird or some other animal. (MD)
- mahkitonew ᒪᐦᑭᑐᓀᐤ VP He has a big mouth. (MD)
- ekahkitoht ᐁᑲᐦᑭᑐᐦᐟ VP He keeps calling out (usually refers to animals). (MD)
- misi-kitow ᒥᓯ ᑭᑐᐤ VAI s/he calls out loudly; s/he makes a loud call; (CW)
- kâh-kitow ᑳᐦ ᑭᑐᐤ VAI s/he hoots (e.g. owl); s/he calls repeatedly (CW)
- pâkitonew pl. pâkitonewak ᐹᑭᑐᓀᐤ VAI S/he has a swollen mouth. (AE)