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start Starting something
it starts, i.e.: a meeting, macipayiw (vai); s/he makes a great start for her/him, kihcipayihew (vta) (Northern Cree); s/he makes a great start for her/him, miyopayihew (vta) (Plains Cree); s/he starts to work, mâcâtoskew (vai); s/he starts to eat, mâcimîcisiw (vai); s/he starts her/him or it, i.e.: a motor, mâcipayihew (vta); spring is starting, mâcisekwan (vii); ice starting to move down the river, mâcistan (vii); s/he is starting to talk, mâcipîkiskwew (vai); s/he starts dancing, mâcisimow (vai); s/he started trapping or setting taps, mâciwanehikew (vti); s/he starts to be sick, mâtahpinew (vti); the start of a sickness or onset of illness, mâtahpinewin (ni); the start or beginning of next month, mâtakimihci pîsim (ni); s/he starts to feel pain, s/he starts feeling pain, mâtamahcihow (vai); s/he starts cutting it, mâtisâwâtew (vai); s/he starts to speak, mâtowitam (vti); s/he starts the drumming for the celebration, mâtoweham (vti); it starts from here, ôtah mâcipayiw (ipc); s/he starts them, sipwepayihew (vta); s/he starts them, mâcipayihew (vta)
Source: Alberta Elders' Cree Dictionary English-Cree
Language: Cree