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help The act of helping one another
being of help to someone, nîsohkamâkewin (ni); s/he helps her/him, nîsohkamawew (vta); they help each other, nîsohkamâtowak (vta); s/he helps her/him with something, ohcikamawew (vta) (Northern Cree); s/he helps her/him with something, nîsohkamawew (vta) (Plains Cree); s/he helps her/him with something, wîcohkamawew (vta); they are helping one another or several people are helping one another, mihcetohkamâtowak (vta); s/he is helped spiritually, wîcihikowisiw (vai); the act of receiving spiritual help, wîcihikowisiwin (ni)
Source: Alberta Elders' Cree Dictionary English-Cree
Language: Cree