Cree Virtual Keyboard Joomla! component installation instructions

  1. Download archive from the software page of Online Dictionary
  2. Log in to Joomla! Administration Console. On top navigation menu click on Extensions > Install/Uninstall
  3. On Extension Manager page click Browse... in Upload Package File field select the downloaded archive file and click Upload file & Install
  4. After submission of the package Extension Manager should output message about successful installation
  5. The component includes an editor plugin and a module for front-end of the site. To check installation open an article for editing. Keyboard button should appear on the bottom of the editor.
  6. Click on the button to check the virtual keyboard.
  7. Module wich comes with the package allows you to add an "Open Cree Keyboard" link on your site. To enable keyboard switch module on top navigation menu click on Extensions > Module manager
  8. Find a Cree Keyboard module and enable it. The module should appear on the site.
  9. In Module Manager you can customize and manage settings of the module.
Online Cree Dictionary partially funded by the Government of Canada through the Department of Canadian Heritage