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Search Results for: sâkihew

Pages (1 of 1):[1]
Displayed 1 - 8 of 8
  • sâkihew ᓵᑭᐦᐁᐤ VAI fond (EC)
  • sâkihew pl. sâkihewak ᓵᑭᐦᐁᐤ VAI S/he loves him/her. (AE)
  • sâkihew ᓵᑭᐦᐁᐤ VAI intimate (EC)
  • sâkihêw ᓵᑭᐦᐁᐤ VTA s/he loves s.o., s/he prizes s.o., s/he is attached to s.o. (CW)
  • sakihew ᓴᑭᐦᐁᐤ VTA idolize (EC)
  • sakihew ᓴᑭᐦᐁᐤ VP He loves him. He keeps him. (MD)
  • sâkihewew ᓵᑭᐦᐁᐁᐧᐤ VAI affectionate (EC)
  • nipahi-sâkihêw ᓂᐸᐦᐃ ᓵᑭᐦᐁᐤ VTA s/he loves s.o. a great deal (CW)
Pages (1 of 1): [1]
Online Cree Dictionary partially funded by the Government of Canada through the Department of Canadian Heritage