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Search Results for: Hate

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Displayed 30 - 54 of 54
  • kakwâyakeyihtâkwan pl. kakwâyakeyihtâkwanwa ᑲᑳᐧᔭᑫᔨᐦᑖᑲᐧᐣ VII It is greatly hated. (AE)
  • kakwayakeyitam ᑲᑲᐧᔭᑫᔨᑕᒼ VTI S/he deeply hates it. (AE)
  • kwayakeyihtam ᑲᐧᔭᑫᔨᐦᑕᒼ VP He hates it very much. (MD)
  • pakwâteyitam ᐸᑳᐧᑌᔨᑕᒼ VTI s/he hates the situation (EC)
  • pakwatikosiw ᐸᑲᐧᑎᑯᓯᐤ VP He is hated by everyone. (MD)
  • kakwâyakeyimew ᑲᑳᐧᔭᑫᔨᒣᐤ VTA s/he hates her/him greatly (EC)
  • pakwâtikwan ᐸᑳᐧᑎᑲᐧᐣ VII it is hateful, it is hated (CW)
  • kakwayakeyimew ᑲᑲᐧᔭᑫᔨᒣᐤ VTA S/he deeply hates her/him. (AE)
  • pakwatikwan ᐸᑲᐧᑎᑲᐧᐣ VP It is hated. It is hateful (MD)
  • kakwayakeyimiwew ᑲᑲᐧᔭᑫᔨᒥᐁᐧᐤ VTA S/he deeply hates everyone. (AE)
  • kakwayakeyicikew ᑲᑲᐧᔭᑫᔨᒋᑫᐤ VTI S/he deeply hates everything. (AE)
  • pakwâtikosiwin ᐸᑳᐧᑎᑯᓯᐃᐧᐣ NI the act of being hated or detested (EC)
  • mâyêyihtâkosiw ᒫᔦᔨᐦᑖᑯᓯᐤ VAI s/he is hateful, s/he is disrespectful (CW)
  • pakwâtikosiw ᐸᑳᐧᑎᑯᓯᐤ VAI hateful S/he is hateful or detestible (EC)
  • pakwâtikosiw pl. pakwâtikosiwak ᐸᑳᐧᑎᑯᓯᐤ VAI S/he is hateful, detestible, distasteful. (AE)
  • pakwâteyihtâkosiwin pl. pakwâteyihtâkosiwina ᐸᑳᐧᑌᔨᐦᑖᑯᓯᐃᐧᐣ NI The act of being thought of as being destible or hateful. (AE)
  • pakwateyitakosowin ᐸᑲᐧᑌᔨᑕᑯᓱᐃᐧᐣ NI the act of being thought of as being hateful or detestible (EC)
  • pakwâtêw ᐸᑳᐧᑌᐤ VTA s/he hates s.o., s/he dislikes s.o., s/he disapproves of s.o. (CW)
  • pakwâtam ᐸᑳᐧᑕᒼ VTI s/he hates s.t., s/he dislikes s.t., s/he disapproves of s.t. (CW)
  • pakwâtamawêw ᐸᑳᐧᑕᒪᐁᐧᐤ VTA s/he hates (it/him) for s.o., s/he dislikes (it/him) for s.o. (CW)
  • kakwâyakeyihtâkosowin pl. kakwâyakeyihtâkosowina ᑲᑳᐧᔭᑫᔨᐦᑖᑯᓱᐃᐧᐣ NI Being hated greatly. (Northern). Alt. pakwâtikosiwin (Plains). (AE)
  • macêyihtam ᒪᒉᔨᐦᑕᒼ VTI s/he despises s.t., s/he hates s.t.; s/he is suspicious of s.t. (CW)
  • macêyimêw ᒪᒉᔨᒣᐤ VTA s/he thinks s.o. to be of no account, s/he hates s.o.; s/he suspects s.o. (CW)
  • pakwâtikosiwin pl. pakwâtikosiwina ᐸᑳᐧᑎᑯᓯᐃᐧᐣ NI The act of being hated or detested; being hated greatly. (Plains). Alt. kakwâyakeyihtâkosowin (Northern). (AE)
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