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the act of stepping, tahkoskewin (ni); s/he steps down, i.e.: off of something, nihtakosew (vta); s/he steps down, i.e.: off of something, nihtitahkoskew (vta); s/he takes one step, peyakwawtahkoskew (vai); s/he stepped over, pastahkoskew (vai) (Northern Cree); s/he stepped over, pascitahkoskew (vai) (Plains Cree); s/he is stepping over, pâstâskow (vti); s/he takes small steps, pesohamew (vai); s/he steps right through them, sapostahkaskaw (vta); s/he stepped on her/him, tahkoskâtew (vta); s/he stepped, tahkoskew (vai)
Source: Alberta Elders' Cree Dictionary English-Cree
Language: Cree