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sing The act of singing
ᑲ ᓂᑲᒧᕁ
ka nikamohk
s/he sings with her/him, naskwahamawew (vta); s/he makes her/him sing, nikamohew (vta); s/he sings for her/him, nikamostawew (vta); s/he sings, nikamiw (vta); the act of singing strongly or loudly, sohkatamowin (ni); s/he sings strongly or loudly, sohkatâmow (vai); s/he sings the correct melody, tâpowew (vai); the act of being able to sing the proper melody, tâpowewin (ni); s/he sings with her/him, wîcinikamômew (vta)
Source: Alberta Elders' Cree Dictionary English-Cree
Language: Cree