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hate Hating one another

ᐸᑳᐧᑎᑐᐃᐧᐣ pakwâtitowin [NI]
hate Hating one another, kakwâyakeyihtâkosowin (ni) (Northern Cree); s/he hates her/him, pakwâtew (vta); being hated greatly, kakwâyakeyihtâkosowin (ni); it is hated greatly, kakwâyakeyihtâkwan (vii); s/he hates her/him greatly, kakwâyakeyimew (vta); a hated item, pakwâcikan (ni); the act of hatred, pakwâsowewin (ni); the act of being thought of as being hateful or detestible, pakwateyitakosowin (ni); s/he is hated, pakwâteyihtâkosiw (vai); it is hated, pakwâteyitâkwan (vii); s/he hates the situation, pakwâteyitam (vti); the act of being hated or detested, pakwâtikosiwin (ni); it is hateful, pakwâtikwan (vii); the act of having a mutual hatred for one another, pakwâtitowin (ni); s/he finds her/him distasteful or s/he is unsure of her/him, pakwâteyimiwew (vta)
Source: Alberta Elders' Cree Dictionary English-Cree
Language: Plains Cree
Online Cree Dictionary partially funded by the Government of Canada through the Department of Canadian Heritage